Re: [Salon] US Lawmakers Call on Biden to End US Taxpayer Support of Israeli Human Rights Violations

Where are the “Liberty Loving Republicans” when any opposition in Congress arises to supplying massive amounts of military and other “aid” to what is most correctly called "Israeli Fascism?” One can presume a number of them are in one way or another worshiping their “Godhead,” the "National Rifle of the United States” (as they try to proclaim in U.S. law), the off-spring and civilian version of the M-16, the AR-15, which they arm their children with. Just like an Israeli Settler family. Whom they also all make clear they love and support even more than their AR-15s, which is a lot. One could import and sell Israeli made AR-15s to Republicans at a premium price just for the cachet of them being “Made in Israel, which could be emblazoned on the receiver. Like garish “Made in USA” is on some products. Or for that matter, they could sell counterfeit “Made in Israel” AR-15s at a premium price to such idiots, and make a fortune. 

Even better for sale to Republicans would be one emblazoned with "Made in Israeli Settlements.” Set up a table with such items for sale at a “National Conservative” conference, and stand back or get crushed by all the fanatical NatCons rushing to buy them!

P.S. I saw with my own eyes, from the “Belly of the Beast,” within the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the “Heart of the Beast,” the so-called “Military Court.” Which is provided a constant supply of Palestinian victims by predatory, tyrannical, Israeli “raiders,” the IDF and other “Special Operators,” which serve as the “Boot on the Neck" of the Palestinian people. 

All designed to strike the most fear in the Palestinian inhabitants, as acts of “State Terror” by the illegal Israeli occupiers of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, against any semblance of “resistance” by the occupied population against such Israeli tyranny. To include the continuous theft of their land by Israeli Settlers which continues apace by Israelis ideologically identical to National Conservative “Chief Ideologist,” Israeli Settler Yoram Hazony. With those “policing lessons” then exported to eager American police forces to apply against their own “rebellious” populations, which in fact are military “counter-terror” techniques, or what we call “state terror techniques,” when practiced by any of our so-called “enemies” when we are in the Phase Zero stage of demonizing them in preparation for a U.S. war upon them. 

With these “state terror” techniques when imported to the U.S. logically producing opposition, as graffiti in West Belfast proclaims “Repression Breeds Resistance.” As when applied against peaceful civilian populations, produces or heightens “resistance” when a particular act of unjustified brutality is accidentally revealed, like the murder of George Floyd, coming on top of other revealed acts of police murders (versus “legitimate" police killings; I’m not opposed to armed police enforcing the law, and defending themselves when necessary). Then that “resistance” to tyrannical policing/military operations is used to justify even more tyranny, as when right-wing fanatics like Tom Cotton called for martial law to be declared by Trump in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, to heighten "state terror” even more, which would have predictably increased “resistance”even more. Which the right-wing always justifies when they “resist” state “repression,” but not when non-right-wing actors do it. Even when instigated by right-wing actors as we know were involved with Minneapolis rioting in the aftermath of the Floyd murder, as a couple pleaded guilty to!

And our right-wing fetishized the AR-15 even more!

On Apr 16, 2023, at 10:46 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

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